Friday, April 15, 2011

The End of Cinematical

Since I've had access to the Internet, I've been using it to read about movies. At one point or another, I began dabbling in writing about film, but for whatever reason--time, talent, take your pick--I could never do it quite as well as the film bloggers I loved to read on sites like /Film, CinemaBlend, or Cinematical.

Today, one of those sites has shuffled off its mortal coil. I'm very sad to write that Cinematical is no more.

A casualty of the AOL/Huffington Post merger, Cinematical's last days were spent in chaos with little communication between the new parent company and long-time Cinematical editors and contributors, many of whom jumped shipped right around the point they were sent an email saying they would likely be fired, but would be welcome to work for free.

I won't go into all the gory details. As someone who makes a living writing, it just makes me too damn sad. For those interested, former Cinematical writer Eric D. Snider's blog post about the debacle is essential reading.

While new AOL Overlord Arianna Huffington (a woman I once admired) has said she plans to hire full-time staffers to write for and manage the site, Cinematical's last post--about Blake Lively's upcoming work on Oliver Stone's "The Savages"--is dated April 12. There's no farewell post or update to readers as to why a site that was known for posting new content several times a day is in a coma. I suppose there might be no need: the fans already know. It bothers me though that this is the last breath of what was one of the first and best movie blogs.

So, even though none of them will likely ever read this, I want to thank the editors, writers, and staff of Cinematical for their outstanding work over the years. I didn't read Cinematical just for the reviews and commentary--I read it for the people who, through their great writing and insight, gave Cinematical a heart and a voice worth coming back for.

If Cinematical is somehow reanimated with a group of drones willing to sell their souls to work for The Overlord, it will be a shadow of its former self. I have no doubt and less interest.

R.I.P. Cinematical. You will be missed.