Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My new favorite podcast: Hollywood Babble-On

For years, I've been a loyal listener of SMoDcast with Kevin Smith and Scott Moser. While I'm huge fan of Smith's, I'm the first to admit that the podcast can be a bit hit or miss. It's great when the two are talking about news stories with their own brand of snark, but occasionally lurching towards dull--like when they're laughing at their own inside jokes--to bordering on uncomfortable with discussion of "toys" like the FleshLight (Google that at your own risk). I'm not a prude, but there's only so much a grown woman can take hearing two mean talk about....never mind.

Recently, Smith bought a stage that isn't iTunes for his podcasts and has added a few more shows to the bill. Jay and Silent Bob Get Old is worth a listen, especially if you're a Clerks/Dogma/Chasing Amy fan and ever wondered what the heck ever happened to the skinny one.

The real winner here though is Hollywood Babble-On, where Smith and co-host Ralph Garman talk about Hollywood news with their twisted sense of humor firmly in tact and with something of an insider's perspective. There's only been seven episodes, but every one has had me chuckling and interested in more. Garman, who is the Hollywood happenings co-host of the "Kevin & Bean" morning show on KROQ out of Los Angeles, is a great pairing with Smith, who is able to let his geek shine through and isn't afraid to admit when pieces of pop culture pass him by. Certainly worth a listen or even an iTunes subscribe.

Be warned though: there's nothing about any of Smith's offerings that could be considered "family-friendly." If you're anything like me though, that's a good thing.