Saturday, July 31, 2010

M. Night Shymalan is the Devil

Ok. I'll admit it. I'm still rooting for M. Night Shyamalan. I haven't seen the worst reviewed movie of the year aka The Last Airbender and I'll roundly acknowledge that The Happening was one of the most unintentionally funny films I've ever seem (oh, Marky Mark, how I love thee and your trees). Despite logic getting in the way, I tried to cut him slack for Lady in the Water--I just loved the idea of modern day horror-fantasy-fairy tale, dammit!--and The Village...well, it had a good cast.

Like most tired fans, all my love for Shyamalan comes from The Sixth Sense and Unbreakable. Hate him or love him, it's hard to deny that when these films were released he was a new voice, bringing horror up a peg with something more than bad remakes and torture porn.

And then his ego started eating his brain.

When it comes to Shyamalan, I hold out hope like some crazy lighthouse attendant facing a hurricane. The evidence is there that whatever "it" was that Shyamalan had has dried up and disappeared, but maybe if he can focus on spinning a good yarn rather than directing (frankly, this was never his strong suit) or working on getting himself in the frame as much as possible, maybe, just maybe, he's not as lost as Bruce Willis' hairline.

That's why new trailer for Devil makes me...curious. I don't care for the editing, but the concept is interesting: five people get trapped in an elevator and one of them may be Lucifer him (or her) self. Shyamalan is responsible for the story and, apparently, nothing else...thank goodness.

I'm not saying Devil will be any good, but perhaps its a step in the right direction towards redemption for Shyamalan. Or it'll end up being another nail in the coffin of his career.

Quick, someone call Haley Joel Osment.